Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean condimentum aliquam ligula quis volutpat. Mauris quis molestie erat. Quisque tincidunt, sapien quis scelerisque malesuada, libero purus sollicitudin massa, ut feugiat mauris nibh quis velit. Pellentesque et mi euismod, posuere orci id, ultrices diam. Praesent tempus, enim at dapibus accumsan, ex nulla scelerisque risus, vitae eleifend tellus felis sit amet sem. Nam feugiat consectetur nisi quis cursus. Nullam libero felis, finibus non fermentum a, volutpat non eros. Maecenas in tortor sit amet nibh vehicula posuere non eget tortor.
Blood Draw
Saint Gabriel took the lead many years ago by joining the CIRBC (Central Indiana Regional Blood Center) and hosting the first large scale blood drive in April 1974.
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Contact: Mary Telker – 827-4053 |
Shirley Wise – 825-3266
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is the parish’s way of sharing with those less fortunate at Christmas time. After Thanksgiving, gift tags are put on a tree in Church indicating individual family needs, for example “Boy, 12, size 14 jeans.” Parishioners select a tag and purchase and wrap the item(s) requested.
Christmas in July
Tags are prepared and hung on the tree in July. During July, parishioners are asked to purchase a new toy and wrap and tag the toy. The toys are received and taken to storage until December. In December, the new toys are matched up with children whose names are on the Giving Tree.
The Pro-Life Committee’s general purpose is to make parishioners more aware of pro-life issues and needs, including euthanasia, abortion, AIDS, cloning, the elderly and handicapped, etc. Our goal is to educate the parish about these issues and to emphasize our Christian responsibility to protect God’s gift of life.
St. Vincent de Paul
We help the needy by paying for prescriptions, gas vouchers and overnight lodging for transients. We also furnish food vouchers and collect food at Christmas time. There are many deserving needy people in our community. We serve God by helping those less fortunate than ourselves.
Thanksgiving for Seniors
This is an annual event on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. Many volunteers are needed to prepare and serve this dinner, which is held at the K of C Hall from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Approximately 400 dinners are delivered to individual homes as well.
Community Meal
Since 2014, five local churches have been seeking to offer a Sunday night meal to those people in town who might not otherwise get a meal. First Presbyterian, First United Methodist, Central Christian, Orange United Methodist and St. Gabriel Church have all partnered in order to work toward fulfilling this mission.
Communion to the Homebound
These Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist take Communion to persons in the local hospital and nursing homes and to those who are homebound. Training is provided.
Time Required: Varies according to need
Contact: the parish office – 825-8578
Time Required: Varies according to need
Contact: the parish office – 825-8578
Church Cleaning
Volunteers clean the church on a rotating basis. We currently have six committees in charge of cleaning the church.
Judy Showalter – 827-5496
Janet Risselman 825-0852
Connie Rigling – 827-0279
Karen Abner – 825-6728
Jennifer Davidson – 265-9873
Abbe Pflum – 309-5241
Judy Showalter – 827-5496
Janet Risselman 825-0852
Connie Rigling – 827-0279
Karen Abner – 825-6728
Jennifer Davidson – 265-9873
Abbe Pflum – 309-5241
PhotosChurch Decorating
We prepare the church altar, ambo and the entire church with appropriate decorations; flowers, plants etc. for the Church seasons. We adorn the altar in a beautiful array of what Jesus’ presence means to our church community.
Time Required: Depends on season & personal interest
Contact: Erika Pflum – 825-5891 | Maureen Holm – 338-9318
Time Required: Depends on season & personal interest
Contact: Erika Pflum – 825-5891 | Maureen Holm – 338-9318
Looking for a way to volunteer?
Pellentesque feugiat interdum ex, quis semper risus tincidunt eget. Suspendisse aliquet et nisi et sagittis. Curabitur ultrices mauris vitae nulla efficitur eleifend. Sed orci lectus, volutpat ac tempus eu, porttitor sit amet mauris. Donec mattis nisl non justo viverra pulvinar. Donec cursus fringilla vehicula. Aliquam accumsan sit amet nibh sed bibendum. Suspendisse placerat pulvinar diam, vitae aliquet mi malesuada ut. Integer blandit velit at egestas facilisis. Sed scelerisque fermentum vehicula. Praesent est odio, pellentesque quis diam quis, molestie tincidunt risus.
Time and talent voucher?