No matter your interests or talents, we have something for you! To see all we have to offer for adults, scroll through our ministries below. If you would like to get involved or have any questions, please reach out to us by clicking any of the “contact us” buttons.
“Come away by yourselves and rest awhile” – Mark 6:31First Tuesday/First Friday
On the First Tuesday and First Friday of each month, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration throughout the day and night. You may come adore our Lord at anytime or become a Guardian and commit to an hour (or more!) each month,
First Tuesday at St. Gabriel: Exposition begins after the 8:30am Mass on the First Tuesday and goes until Benediction at 5:15pm on the First Wednesday.
First Friday at St. Bridget: Exposition begins after the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday and goes until Benediction at 8:00am on the First Saturday.
First Tuesday at St. Gabriel: Exposition begins after the 8:30am Mass on the First Tuesday and goes until Benediction at 5:15pm on the First Wednesday.
First Friday at St. Bridget: Exposition begins after the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday and goes until Benediction at 8:00am on the First Saturday.
31 Days of Adoration
Beginning on-or-around the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15 and lasting 31 Days (until on-or-around the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14), each year, our parishes enter into an impactful period of prayer. Guardians commit to an hour (some do much more!) each week, and/or fill-in for hours without sched- uled Guardians, to combine for over 1,300 hours of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament between our two parishes! Maybe you already pray inten- tionally and deeply each day, but many have not yet implemented such inten- tional and deep prayer in their lives.
Tuesday Adoration
Eucharist Adoration is available every Tuesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at St. Gabriel.
Funeral Choir
The Funeral choir supports the cantor at Funeral Masses. No practice time or prepared music. Come to funerals as able and help comfort grieving loved ones through the beauty of the Catho- lic Funeral Mass by singing along with songs and participating in the Mass.
Funeral Dinner
A committee of parishioners that organizes, prepares, and serves a meal follow- ing the funeral for the family and friends of a deceased member or former member of Saint Gabriel Parish. Currently there are seven committees with 30-33 members each. As a member of one of the committees, you are called to prepare a dish, help serve the meal or donate money to help defray the cost of meat or supplies. Meals are usually served at the K of C Hall, but occasion- ally other arrangements are made.
Groups and/or individuals at both parishes send cards, most of which are homemade, to those on the prayer list and others.
Welcoming New Parishioners
This committee extends a warm welcome to all new parishioners with a visit and sharing of a packet of church and Chamber of Commerce brochures. When available, the new parishioner receives our current pictorial directory.
Golden Gabriels
This group of senior citizens (55+) in the parish meets on the third Wednesday (except in November, it is the last Wednesday of the month) at noon to share a meal and fun. It is a way for seniors to get better acquainted with each other.
Daughters of Isabella
The Daughters of Isabella is a local, national and international organization of Catholic Women dedicated to our motto of Unity, Friendship, and Charity. Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month.
The Pro-Life Committee’s general purpose is to make parishioners more aware of pro-life issues and needs, including euthanasia, abortion, AIDS, cloning, the elderly and handicapped, etc.
Blood Draw
Saint Gabriel took the lead many years ago by joining the CIRBC (Central Indiana Regional Blood Center) and hosting the first large scale blood drive in April 1974.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus, K of C, is a group of men actively involved in many spiritual, social, charitable and community programs. Lenten Fish Frys, Casino Nights, Italian Night, and
Knights of Columbus Auxilary
The Knights of Columbus Auxiliary consists of spouses, mothers, daughters etc. of members of the K of C. This, like the K of C, is a spiritual, social and charitable organization.
Fourth Degree
The Fourth Degree is a group of men within the K of C that have received this highest honor. This is a patriotic degree. Third degree members within the K of C who are members at least one year are eligible.
Homebound Ministry
Compassionate Visitors
Compassionate Visitors are volunteers assigned to specific nursing home residents whom they visit weekly. Some residents rarely receive visits from family and friends, and others receive no visitors at all.
Vigil Keepers
Vigil Keepers are volunteers who are on call to take turns sitting with those residents who are dying alone, or have limited family to be with them. For those without family, we can pray with them or for them,
Communion to the Homebound
These Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist take Communion to persons in the local hospital and nursing homes and to those who are homebound.
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is the parish’s way of sharing with those less fortunate at Christmas time. After Thanksgiving, gift tags are put on a tree in Church indicating individual family needs, for example “Boy, 12, size 14 jeans.”
Christmas in July
Tags are prepared and hung on the tree in July. During July, parishioners are asked to purchase a new toy and wrap and tag the toy. The toys are received and taken to storage until December.
St. Vincent de Paul
We help the needy by paying for prescriptions, gas vouchers and overnight lodging for transients. We also furnish food vouchers and collect food at Christmas time. There are many deserving needy people in our community.
Thanksgiving Dinner
This is an annual event on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. Many volunteers are needed to prepare and serve this dinner, which is held at the K of C Hall from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Community Meal
Since 2014, five local churches have been seeking to offer a Sunday night meal to those people in town who might not otherwise get a meal.
Church Cleaning
Volunteers clean the church on a rotating basis. We currently have six committees in charge of cleaning the church. Time required: Approximately two hours every five weeks
St. Anne Altar & Rosary Society
Saint Anne Altar and Rosary Society is a group of women who sponsors care for the altar area and sacristy. Funds are raised to pay for altar bread and wine. Two annual meetings include the feast of Saint Anne in July and a December Christmas gathering.