"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace." – ~1 Peter 4:10
Liturgical ministers are faithful parishioners who are willing to give of their time and talent to enhance the most important part of our week or day - the Mass. Our lives – including our time, interests and skills - belong ultimately to God, and participation in the liturgy is both the right and duty of all the baptized. Liturgical ministry is a wonderful opportunity to live out our baptismal call to serve God and one another through various roles before, during and/or after Masses. Training will be provided for each role.
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) reverently presents the Body and Blood of Christ while helping in the distribution of the Eucharist to those who approach for Holy Communion, or by bringing our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament to those unable to participate in the Mass (for example, the homebound or those in nursing homes).
Sacristans are trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and extend their service to include the preparations necessary before each Mass and see to the proper care of items after Mass. This service includes: setting up the vessels, preparing the gifts to be offered, cleaning and putting vessels away after Mass, etc.
Lector (Reader)
Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings at Masses and other liturgies. More than reading words on the page, a prayerfully prepared lector can help bring the Word of God to life for those in attendance. To aid in the natural presentation stemming from true understanding of the passage, additional materials are given to lectors for expected preparation before weekend Masses.
Conscientious servers assist at Liturgies with responsibilities before, during and after Mass. Duties assigned depend on experience, age and training, but may include: lighting and/or carrying candles, placing vessels on the altar, handling incense, holding the book of prayers for the Priest, carrying the processional crucifix, ringing bells, and more.
Ushers arrive early to welcome and seat worshipers as needed, distribute Sunday Bulletins or other materials, facilitate the Communion lines when necessary, care for any need that might occur, and straighten pews after Mass. Additionally, at each Mass, an Usher is responsible for securing the weekly offering and recording the Mass attendance.
Greeters are friendly faces necessary to create a welcoming atmosphere for those entering our churches. They are hosts and hostesses for the Lord’s House and the Lord’s Meal.
Gift Bearer
Gift bearers present the bread and wine offering to the priest at the Preparation of the Gifts. You may sign up to be a gift bearer for any Mass, though particularly poignant when the Mass is for a deceased family member or special occasion. Sign up in the back of church or check with the usher before any Mass.
"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise." – Psalm 95:2
Music ministry enhances and supports congregational singing during liturgies. Singing is a form of prayer. Roles in music ministry include being a cantor, pianist/organist, and instrumentalist.
Cantor (Song Leader)
Cantors are among the first to greet the assembly before Mass begins. The cantor leads the congregation in singing and provides leadership during the sung parts of the Liturgy.
Pianist and organist accompany the congregation for singing.
Instrumentalists are encouraged to share their musical talents at Mass or other events. There are many times throughout the year that instruments are needed to complement the musical portions of the Mass.
Adult Choir
Those persons who enjoy singing, are committed to serving God in a musical way, and are willing to attend regular rehearsals are encouraged to become part of the St. Gabriel and St. Bridget Choir. The choir sings about one or two Masses each month during the school year and on some holidays. Choir practice is on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for 1 hour in St. Gabriel church.
Time required: Choir practice is on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for 1 hour in the church.
Time required: Choir practice is on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for 1 hour in the church.